Sunday, May 9, 2010

As Promised....

.... even if it is a little late..

Ah, well, Venice, or should I say, Venezia: the city of canals and gondolas! It was fabulous! Well, minus the whole getting completely lost part and eating our weight in gelato every day. Okay, the gelato thing wasn't that bad, not gonna lie. But the layout of the city definitely presented us with some challenges throughout our stay.

Just trying to find our hostel took us WAY too long. Good thing I knew a little bit of Italian, or rather, that Lacey didn't know a lick.. so when we stopped and asked a policeman for directions and he explained them to me in Italian and I was nodding and pretending like I knew where I was going, Lacey didn't have a clue (ha ha, sorry Lace. We found our way though, didn't we?).

Yes, in fact, we did. It wasn't too much wandering later that we found ourselves just off the Grand Canal, in our very unique hostel. It was called the Museum, and rightfully so. It was an old, not really renovated, building that definitely had the potential of being a museum back in the day. I think it would have been cool, if it hadn't been for the creepy cherubs and random faces that stared at you throughout the entire building. Oh well, the fact that Brad and Angelina and the dwarves were staying right across the canal from us, made up for the creepiness.

Yes, they were seriously staying in the building across from us. No, I didn't see them myself, but when I was out trying to orientate myself one night, I guess one of the kiddos came out onto the balcony and the paparazzi were going mad! Oh well.. I think I'll live.

Plus, there were WAY more exciting things going on. I mean, it was Venice after all. Lacey and I filled our days there with impromptu meals of bread, pizza sauce, and cheese, gelato for breakfast, and long walks window shopping and sitting on the edge of the canal. It was a nice break from the hustle and bustle of our overnight trains and the super-quick day trip to Vienna. We had the chance to just relax and have dinner at our hostel and made tons of new friends!

But before too long, we were packing everything back up and headed for Florence! Good thing we were traveling by train too! That ash cloud could have seriously messed plans up! Although, not gonna lie, I wouldn't have been too terribly disappointed to have been stuck in Venice....

Stay tuned... Florence is next!

Until next time!

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