Thursday, April 22, 2010


I know it, I know it. I’m behind. Bear with me. It’s just been a whirlwind of a week so far, with two overnight trains in a row and just not much time to sit down and connect with the social world, let alone write blogs.

But here we go.. Berlin! Beautiful city! Wow, I just realized I am wayyyy behind. Okay, anyhow. Yes, big, mostly clean, and friendly! Lace and I arrived around 5 or so and had help right off the bat in trying to buy a metro ticket. Little did we know, Germany believes in the honor system (dang, we could have taken advantage of that), but no, we were good tourists and bought our tickets. Then, once we arrived at the closest station to our hostel, we had yet another kind German help us find our way.

So we checked into our hostel and just vegged for the night. At least, I think we did. Ha, all the nights are starting to run together. But yes, I’m almost positive that’s what we did, then we hit the city early the next morning, since we had all day to explore! We ended up seeing the Brandenburg gate, the Reichstag (Germany’s version of the Capitol Building), Checkpoint Charlie (my favorite), Hitler’s Bunker, and the Holocaust Memorial. That last one was unreal. Kinda put a bit of a damper on our day. But by the time we got pretzels and shared them with the birds, we were in a much better mood.

The next morning, we took advantage of the hostel’s ridiculously-priced breakfast and stuffed our faces, then packed a lunch of cheese sandwiches and tea and headed out for the train station. We caught our train and were on our way to Prague before we knew it!

Well, I’m going to stop there and start a new blog for Prague. Hopefully, it’ll be a little more detailed. Until next time!

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